NV Jules Block BELGIAN Azalea's |
Lichtelarestraat 16 9080 Lochristi - BELGIUM Fax ++32/9 355 29 20 Tel ++32/9 355 21 93 Mobile ++32/495 53 46 28 E-mail: info@nvjulesblock.com |
Ghent Floralies 2005In april 2005 N.V. JUles Block realized a decoration of nearly 1000m² in the Ghent floralies. Our company did participate to 26 contests and won 22 medals : 6 gold , 13 silver and 3 bronze medals. The design of the stand was again realized by Ing.arch. urb. Mr. Jacques Lever from A.S. Eng. Associates.The same sculptures from 2000 where used but this time we bound them into willow branches. Only this work took us over 100 working hours. Realizing the stand took 5 whole days with 5 persons. How much time it took to bring all Azalea and Rhododendron flowering just on time can't be calculate as it is a play of forcing the late flowering varieties and cooling the early varieties over a period of one month before the show. During the opening ceremony Luc Block was congratulated by the Belgian King Albert II and his wife Queen Paola for the magnificent result of the stand. |
Contact Information: Luc Block- via email Lichtelarestraat 16 - 9080 Lochristi - BELGIUM Mobile ++32/495 53 46 28 |
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